

International Museum Day

May 18 is International Museum Day and to commemorate this day, given the current circumstances of COVID-19, we invite you to do it virtually. For this reason, we offer you a small Museu-virutal de l'Art valencià antic i modern as an introduction to Valencian Art.

Data de l'acontenyiment: 
Monday, May 18, 2020 - 00:00

Claim for the reopening of the Canfranc-Oloron line

This Sunday, July 14, the protest actions of the reopening of the Canfranc-Oloron railway line are celebrated. From the Institute of Valencian Studies we support this claim because the Valencians would give us a quick connection with Europe. We join the denunciation for the disinterest that every government of the Central State Administration has had in this infrastructure and its lack of investment.

Data de l'acontenyiment: 
Sunday, July 14, 2019 - 06:45