Style and grammar in media discourse

The Language and Literature Section of the Institute of Valencian Studies publishes the work of its member Antoni Fontelles Fontestad. This work, with the title of Style and grammar in the discourse of the media, is a complete monographic treatise on the use of the Valencian language in the media. In this work, Fontelles has poured all his long professional experience in this field, to which he combines all the linguistic knowledge that he amasses as an intellectual dedicated for decades to the study of the Valencian language.

You can download the complete work at this link (only version in Valencian language): Estil i gramatica en el discurs dels mijos de comunicacio.


Institutional statement on the AVL-IEC-UIB agreement



The Governing Board of the Institute of Valencian Studies wants to make public the following statement before the news that appeared on the protocol signed to elaborate a common regulation for the Valencian, Balearic and Catalan languages:

Data de l'acontenyiment: 
Monday, July 27, 2020 - 12:30


George Bernard Shaw said that "There is no better kept secret than the one everyone knows." I remember at a conference on environmental issues, one of the speakers, an American scientist, who was very impressed by the city of Valencia, lamented that we had the “best kept secret in Europe”. All Valencians know that the Holy Chalice is in our city. That the first novel in the world was written here and in Valencian. That the first expedition of Colon was financed by a Valencian. That we have natural spaces with a variety of fauna and flora unique on the planet. A sublime gastronomy beyond the omnipresent paella and so many other things that we believe that everyone outside our borders knows, due to its great importance, but it does not. Thinking that everyone knows what we have makes us not promote it. We sway in complacency and it ends up being a secret. We are that way.


International Museum Day

May 18 is International Museum Day and to commemorate this day, given the current circumstances of COVID-19, we invite you to do it virtually. For this reason, we offer you a small Museu-virutal de l'Art valencià antic i modern as an introduction to Valencian Art.

Data de l'acontenyiment: 
Monday, May 18, 2020 - 00:00

S'amplia el plaç de presentacio de treballs per als premis de l'Institut

S'amplia el plaç de presentacio d'originals per als premis de l'Institut d'Estudis Valencians, en les dos modalitats, el Premi d’investigacio Lluïs Alcanyis i el Premi de creacio Manuela Solis Claràs.

El plaç acabarà definitivament el 15 de març de 2020.

Data de l'acontenyiment: 
Sunday, March 15, 2020 - 12:00

European Day of Languages Institute of Valencian Studies

One more year, on the occasion of the European Day of Languages, the Institute of Valencian Studies and the Aragonese Center of Valencia organize a cultural meeting where poems and folk tales will be read; among others, the Aragonese, Provencal, Valencian and Neapolitan languages will be represented.

C/Don Juan de Austria, 20
46002 Valencia Valencia
Data de l'acontenyiment: 
Tuesday, September 24, 2019 - 19:00

Claim for the reopening of the Canfranc-Oloron line

This Sunday, July 14, the protest actions of the reopening of the Canfranc-Oloron railway line are celebrated. From the Institute of Valencian Studies we support this claim because the Valencians would give us a quick connection with Europe. We join the denunciation for the disinterest that every government of the Central State Administration has had in this infrastructure and its lack of investment.

Data de l'acontenyiment: 
Sunday, July 14, 2019 - 06:45
